VA Grants/Benefits 4502 & 1394 - How To Apply

Posted On: 08/23/2023

How To Obtain VA Benefits & Grants

Has serving your country eliminated you having the ability to drive a vehicle or safely ride as a passenger?  VA grants 4502 (Auto Grants) and 1394 (Adaptive Equipment Grants) can help cover the cost to purchase a vehicle or upfit it for you to safely drive or ride as a passenger.  In both cases the VA will pay the selling dealer directly so the service member will not have the burden of the cost at the time of delivery.  Both veterans and service members can qualify for 1 or both of these VA benefits/grants.  Looking to see what lowered floor convresions and other adpative equipment in your area are available, visit to learn more.

Who Is Eligible For VA Benefits?

If you have a disability caused by your service you are eligible to apply for 1 or both benefits.  Contacting your VA advocate local to you can help you apply and determine if you will qualify.  If you can answer yes to 1 or more of the questions below it would be possible for you to qualify.

  • Permanent lost vision in both eyes due to service or
  • Permanent loss or lost use of 1 or both hands or
  • Permanent loss or loss use of 1 or both legs or
  • Permanent loss use of 1 or both hips or knees or
  • Suffered severe burn injury or
  • Diagnosed with ALS steaming for active duty
  • Note - If you have said yes to any of the above you should consider applying for the adaptive equipment grant covering the cost for the service member to upfit a vehicle meeting meeting the needs for the veteran to drive or safely ride as a passenger.

21-4502 VA Grant - Automobile Grant

As of 8-22-23 the automobile grant 21-4502 is a one time grant in the amount of $22,355.72 towards the purchase of an automobile or other form of transportation for a disabled veteran.  Unlike adaptive equipment that receive multiple grants over a lifetime, the 4502 grant can only be claimed once.  Approval is needed prior to purchasing the vehicle and the selling dealer will be paid directly from the VA.  Click this link to download the Automobile grant and submit according to the instructions -

10-1394 Adaptive Equipment Grant

Adaptive equipment allowing you to drive the vehicle or get in or out of the vehicle as a passenger safely can be covered by the VA benefit 10-1394.  Local dealers can adapt your current vehicle or adapt a new vehicle with hand controls, left foot gas, lowered floor conversion, scooter lifts, wheelchair lifts, steering aids giving you accessible transportation.  Driver evaluations or safe passenger evaluations with the VA are required so your local dealer knows exactly what you qualify for.  The VA benefit can be completed on multiple vehicles at once and can be received multiple times over your lifetime for 100% service connected disabled veterans. To download the 10-1394 Adaptive Equipment form and submit according to the instructions -

Non Service Connected Veterans - 1 Time Grants For Adaptive Equipment

Veterans that are not 100% service connected disabled can apply for a 1 time adaptive equipment grant.  The VA will adapt your current or new vehicle 1 time with a lowered floor conversion for the veteran to drive or ride as a passenger.  Evaluations with the VA are required so the prescription for the equipment can be sent out to local vendors in your area.  Unlike service connected benefits where the veteran can choose the vendor they prefer to work with, the 1 time grant will be determined solely by the VA based on a bidding process.  Contact your local VA benefits office or speak with your primary care physician to learn more about the 1 time VA grant.

Author Information

Katie Cummings
Mobility Blogger

My professional background stems from non-profit marketing and fundraising for a large children’s cancer hospital. Every day I was able to make connections and relationships for kids and their families going through devastating times. From securing small donations to large corporate support, it was all about providing hope that one day doctors and researchers would find a cure. It was truly an honor to be a part of something so important.

Just this past year, I came to work alongside my family for, a website dedicated to offering the latest information and resources for people needing mobility products. This was a dream come true for me as I have always wanted to combine more time with my family while still helping others. Our family has been in the mobility industry for over 35 years with the goal of enhancing the quality of life for people with mobility issues. This is the spirit behind BLVD and what I am most excited about sharing in my blog.

I love meeting new people and have found that volunteering is the best way to learn more about others and myself. Coffee keeps me going as do walks my pup "Kirby" and most of all being with family and friends. I invite you to check out my blog to learn more about how "together we can move through life better!"

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