The world is not structured for those who have disabilities. In the US there are rules and guidelines to help make spaces a bit more accessible, but people still find a way to cut corners. The BLVD recently came upon a Facebook page, Wheelchair Ramps and Access From Hell, highlighting those corners people cut that make accessibility a nightmare.
From people locking bikes up on poles that obstruct the walkways, to cars parking across handicap accessible spots, and failing city infrastructure that make sidewalks unsafe. There are many things that make the world inaccessible and unsafe, this page allows people to share photos of the issues they see within their communities. Bringing awareness to those people who may rarely encounter a wheelchair or mobility device user. Go check them out today and share your mobility nightmares!
Hopefully pages and movements like this will help everyone become a little more aware of the importance of accessibility, and work harder at implementing and respecting wheelchair access routes.