3 Things I Like and Dislike About My Wheelchair Van

Posted On: 07/08/2020

3 Things I Like and Dislike About My Wheelchair Van

The team here at BLVD.com interviewed a local friend who uses her wheelchair van nearly everyday. We asked her to give us a list of 3 things she likes about her mobility vehicle and 3 things she dislikes about it.  Here is what she had to say.

What I Like

Handicap vans are truly amazing, mine gives me a feeling of freedom, making it as if i have no limits. Even though that makes seem like handicap vans are virtually perfect, there are pros and cons to all wheelchair vans. Here is what I love about mine: 

The first thing I love about my Wheelchair van is Freedom

The freedom my van allows is by far the best gift anyone could give. The ease of being able to get in my van and go makes life so simple, as if there are no limits! The places you can go are virtually endless, the only thing that can hold you back is accessibility in a facility. Other than that you are pretty much free!

The second thing I love about my Wheelchair van is Cleaning

Another big plus in my eyes about these vans is how easy they are to clean. Since most of the seats are removed, the floor is nice and open. (Like a disco dance floor!) The floor isn’t carpet, it’s rubberized; meaning you can easily sweep, mop, or vacuum! I get excited about this because personally, I am a clean freak! Having a super easy to clean floor makes my heart really happy, and I think others would say the same!

The Third thing is Personalization

The last thing that I really like about handicap vans is the many ways the van can be customized to you and your needs. You can choose from different lifts to make your van accessible, there is more than one option! The kind of driver seat you’d like also has many options, to find what best works for you! These things are only a few of the many things you get to pick out all on your own!

What I Dislike

No vehicle or situation can be completely perfect, and while I do love my mobility vehicle there are always going to be things that can be improved. Below are the my three largest grievances with my mobility van: 

The First thing I dislike about my wheelchair van is the Low Clearance

Vans are already a lower profile vehicle, but then add an in-floor ramp and make it even lower! With a pretty low clearance, it can make going certain places difficult, or even impossible. An example being a car wash. A lot of car washes have rails that you drive onto and they move your vehicle for you. With a van that has an in-floor ramp, this style of car wash is not handicap van friendly. The clearance is too low on the van and in turn you will get stuck!

The second thing I dislike about my wheelchair van is 2-Wheel Drive

This next con is maybe not a big deal for a lot of people, but if you live where it snows this is a factor. These vans are only 2-wheel drive, front wheel drive to be exact and in the snow that is not ideal. Since some seats are removed from the vehicle to accommodate for wheelchairs the van is also lighter. Making it more apt to slide around on ice. If you are looking for a 4-wheel drive vehicle, maybe a different type of handicap vehicle is right for you. 

The last thing I dislike is the Largeness

The last thing I don’t love, but it is not an issue is how big a van is. Don’t get me wrong I love how big and spacious the inside is, but sometimes I feel like I am driving a school bus! Parking the school bus can sometimes be a task, but parking any vehicle can bring its challenges. Some people enjoy having a bigger vehicle, because it makes them feel safer. As for me I think at times it’s a little too beefy for this gal.

As most of these cons are minor things, for some these things could be deal breakers. It is nice to know that a van isn’t your only option for a handicap vehicle. I strongly suggest working with a mobility consultant from your local dealer to assist in finding what vehicle options fit you and your price range. I hope that this sheds some light to anyone in need of some advice in this big world! 

Author Information

Katie Cummings
Mobility Blogger

My professional background stems from non-profit marketing and fundraising for a large children’s cancer hospital. Every day I was able to make connections and relationships for kids and their families going through devastating times. From securing small donations to large corporate support, it was all about providing hope that one day doctors and researchers would find a cure. It was truly an honor to be a part of something so important.

Just this past year, I came to work alongside my family for BLVD.com, a website dedicated to offering the latest information and resources for people needing mobility products. This was a dream come true for me as I have always wanted to combine more time with my family while still helping others. Our family has been in the mobility industry for over 35 years with the goal of enhancing the quality of life for people with mobility issues. This is the spirit behind BLVD and what I am most excited about sharing in my blog.

I love meeting new people and have found that volunteering is the best way to learn more about others and myself. Coffee keeps me going as do walks my pup "Kirby" and most of all being with family and friends. I invite you to check out my blog to learn more about how "together we can move through life better!"

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