2011 Chrysler Town & Country Touring

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For Sale By Owner

Vehicle Location

Jefferson, NC

About 282 miles from you

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Vehicle Information

ModelTown & Country
ConversionAMS - Chrysler Legend Side Entry
Interior ColorBlack/ Gray
Engine3.6 L 6cyl
Chassis Age
Pre-Owned Chassis
Conversion Age
Pre-Owned Conversion
Vehicle Pricing

Vehicle Description

If you are wheelchair bound but still want your freedom and to drive, or if you want someone to drive you around in your own wheelchair, you have options with this van! Lowered floor from front firewall to rear bench for maximum head height. Mechanical side entry bi-fold ramp. Remote access to operate power sliding door. Drivers powered transfer chair, to allow transfer from wheelchair into driver seat. Step-n-roll front passenger seat, for easy seat removal. 2 sets of tie downs for wheelchair, and has hand controls for pedals. Electric folding ramp must be manually lowered (very easy) but has power to raise back up automatically with a switch inside- can be repaired to be fully automatic, we just didn't need it. Purchased for mother-in-law who was wheelchair bound and she recently passed away. Posting this for my father-in-law and van is located in Jefferson, NC. Priced to sell, contact if you need additional details.

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