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For Sale By Owner

Vehicle Location

Holly Springs, NC

About 247 miles from you

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Vehicle Information

ConversionBraunAbility - UVL - Under Vehicle Lift
Interior ColorGRAY
Engine5.3L V8
Chassis Age
Pre-Owned Chassis
Conversion Age
Pre-Owned Conversion
Vehicle Pricing

Vehicle Description

Well-maintained Chevy Express 1500 AWD with Explorer Conversion with Braunability Under Vehicle Lift- UVL. High-top roof. Vertical clearance 8'3" Fitted with leather seats (front seats recently reupholstered). 2nd row has space for wheelchair at passenger side of van, and captain's chair. 3rd row has bench that converts to a bed. Electric seat positioning with lumbar support in front captain's chairs. 8 doors!!! "Barn" doors on both passenger and driver's sides and rear. GNet system Front and rear dash cam installed. Pioneer radio system with apply and android carplay. Backup camera. Tow hitch. Sunroof in back that opens and closes. AC/heat works well, both front and rear systems for passenger comfort. AV system with DVD player, 2 wireless headphones, and sony TV in the back. Super clean, carpet in great condition. Front and Rear shocks have been replaced, oil changed regularly, LED headlights installed, tires in excellent condition with lots of tread, body work and paint job completed in 2023. There was some rain that came in during sideways rain in a hurricane, the stain is evident on ceiling but no further leaking noted. The wheelchair UVL has been serviced regularly. Weight limit 400 pounds. Door opening height to pass through 48/49" then 60" once inside the door frame. 4 Qstraint securements plus seat belt qstraint provided. It has been a wonderful family vehicle for our disabled adult son.

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