Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles For Sale Freeport, PA

Let Seibel's Auto Warehouse, Inc. show you how easy it is to buy a quality used wheelchiar accessible van in FREEPORT. We believe fair prices, superior service, and treating customers right leads to satisfied repeat buyers. Our friendly and knowledgeable sales staff is here to help you find the vehicle you deserve, priced to fit your budget. Shop our virtual showroom of used cars, trucks and suv's online then stop by for a test drive.

Seibels Auto Warehouse
Freeport, PA
Distance: 162.8mi
Phone: (724) 604-5598
BLVD.com is not able to perform real-time vehicle inventory lookup on this dealer. Please contact the dealer at: (724) 604-5598 for current inventory.
Freeport, PA
(724) 604-5598
230 Buffalo St
Freeport, PA 16229
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